Port Dickson Municipal Council has been proclaimed as Municipal Council on 2 February 2002. Its covers 140.32 km square (54.18 nautical). It can be divided into two, one is for operation area covers 35.87 km square and the other is for control area which covers 104.45 km square. The total area is about 395.5 acre or 160.1 hectare. Along coastal Port Dickson displayed the modernized town resort, its urbanize the farming activities, trading and industrial.
As an upgraded level to Municipal Council, it has support a mission and vision towards challenging development to construct a unique identity, original and fascinating for Port Dickson as a destination place unbeatable to prepare tourism and recreational activities and thus improving public and basis amenities. To strengthen local economy towards manifesto as a modernized and outstanding places.
To strengthen development structures for the centre of town in line with government aspiration to develop tourism and fulfilled local desires. To improve and upgrade transportation system and available road to be parallel with development plans for to improve amenities to tourism destination for a whole area. To draf, plans and development realization along coastal area and nearby area without any disturbance to the nature with environmental friendly concept.
To organize, coordinate and unites all activities and to propose a potential creative suggestion to beautify and other tourist attraction. Integrated Home stay situated along the coastal area in Port Dickson tourism corridor development plans.